“Our mission as a church is to care for the life of every person,” Bishop Mykola Bychok in Perth

June 28, 2023

Bishop Mykola Bychok, Eparch of Melbourne, made a pastoral visit to the city of Perth, Western Australia, from June 21 st to 28th, 2023. During his stay in the city, he visited the parish of St. John the Baptist, where a grand feast of the church took place on Sunday, June 25th.

“Our mission as a church is to care for the life of every person,” Bishop Mykola Bychok in Perth

Bishop Mykola presided over the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, concelebrated by Father Ihor Holovko, the parish priest. During the Liturgy, the bishop addressed the faithful with a sermon on the importance of peace and unity in Christ.

“Dear ones in Christ,” the hierarch spoke, “today, on this special day, we have gathered together to celebrate the parish feast. The words we hear in the Gospel today carry a special meaning. We can say that Ukrainians are living only for today. They do not know what will happen in a few minutes, hours, or the next day, as the war continues. This war forces us to contemplate the heavenly reality, that every moment on earth is precious, as no one knows how much time they have left to live.”

Furthermore, the bishop emphasized the importance of peace in a person’s life: ‘Allow me to show you a symbol of your church that you may not have pondered upon. Look at the dome of the church. I personally see three meaningful words: “Peace on Earth.” And this is not just a coincidence. When a person has peace in their heart, when they live in harmony with God, they will never instigate war on this earth. They will strive to find peace with their loved ones, family, friends, and acquaintances. Peace in our hearts creates peace in our relationships.’

‘Today, we are uniting not only here in this church but also with our beloved Ukraine. And perhaps this is the way we, on an earthly level, try to help our homeland: to feed the hungry, to quench the thirsty, to warm the needy. This is also our mission as a church — to care for the lives of every individual, for our neighbor. Today, we celebrate the parish feast of St. John the Baptist, but let us not forget that each of us has our own story, our own mission. May this day serve as a catalyst for us to strive to live in harmony with God and with one another. May the peace we seek begin in our hearts and then transform into practical assistance for others,’ concluded Bishop Mykola in his sermon to the faithful.

The feast gathered a large community, and both the church and the parish hall, where the dinner took place, were filled with the faithful. Special guests at the event were Filomena Piffaretti, the mayor City of Bayswater, and the chancellor of the city, who expressed their support for Ukraine and extended their sympathy, prayers, and readiness for cooperation.

During the celebration in the parish hall, a small parish concert took place, featuring newly arrived children from Ukraine and local parishioner musicians.

During his visit, Bishop Mykola also held other important official meetings, including a meeting with Archbishop Timothy Costelloe of Perth and Deacon Greg Lowe, who is the chairman of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese Committee for Refugees and Immigrants. These meetings contributed to strengthening cooperation and the exchange of spiritual experiences between different communities. Additionally, on Friday, June 23 rd, a Moleben to the Most Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary was also celebrated, in which Bishop Mykola concelebrated with Father Ihor Holovko, the administrator of St. John the Baptist Church, and Father Vasyl Olevych, the rector of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of St. Nicholas in Perth.

On Saturday, June 24th, the bishop visited the Redemptoris Mater seminary, a Roman Catholic institution, where he met with seminarians and their mentors.

Bishop Mykola Bychok’s visit became an unforgettable event for the St. John the Baptist parish and the entire city of Perth. This visit once again highlighted the importance of spiritual community and support among Ukrainian communities in different parts of the world.

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