Fr. Andriy Mykytyuk visited the faithful in Tasmania
February 28, 2024
From February 23 to 25, Fr. Andriy Mykytyuk, Synkellos for Laity of the Melbourne Eparchy, was on a pastoral visit to Tasmania. The faithful from Launceston and Hobart had the opportunity to gather for joint prayer.
Traditionally, every fourth Sunday of the month, the clergy of the Melbourne Eparchy visit the Mission of the Transfiguration of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in Hobart, Tasmania. However, last weekend’s pastoral visit to Tasmania was a little different from the others, as the priest visited not only the faithful in Hobart but also in Launceston.
On Saturday, February 24, in the Church of the Apostles in Launceston, Ukrainians from Launceston, Devonport, and surrounding areas gathered for joint prayer. On the second anniversary of the full-scale war in Ukraine, those present honoured the memory of the fallen heroes and prayed the Moleben during the war, when the enemy is coming at us with the intention of victory and peace in Ukraine. After the prayer, everyone stayed for a conversation because it is very rare to meet together, and even more so with their priest. The faithful expressed their desire to meet with their priest more often in order to pray together for their needs as well as for the intentions of Ukraine.
On Sunday, February 25, Fr. Andriy celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the Chapel of the Transfiguration of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, in Hobart. Those present prayed for the peace and victory of Ukraine. This Sunday was special for the faithful in Hobart, because on this day, Mr. Myron and Mrs. Iryna Myhal celebrated the 50th anniversary of their married lives. So, after the liturgy, there was a prayer and blessing on the occasion of the anniversary for the Myhal family. After the joint prayer, everyone, as usual, gathered for lunch, where they could have a good time together.