A Church Feast was celebrated in Northam

September 29, 2023

On Sunday, September 24, a temple feast was held in the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin in the city of Northam, located 100 kilometers east of the state capital.

A Church Feast was celebrated in Northam

On this special day, most came from the city of Perth. Most of them were those who were parishioners of this small town. Although they now reside in Perth, their hearts will always remain loyal to this church where they grew up and spent their youth. Every year, this event is a reminder of their past and their parents who taught them to love God, the church and Ukraine.

The celebration began with the Divine Liturgy, which was presided over by Father Ihor Holovko, syncellus of the clergy of the Eparchy of Melbourne and administrator of the parish of St. John the Baptist in the city of Perth.

In his sermon, the father emphasized the great importance of the Blessed Virgin Mary, giving an example of the Tabernacle in which the Holy Mysteries of our Lord Jesus Christ are kept. Each Tabernacle is a prototype of the Mother of God, who cared for and brought the Savior to our world. “Therefore, we celebrate the feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos as the birth of a Tabernacle for all humanity,” Father Ihor concluded.

Following the Divine Liturgy, a water blessing ceremony took place.

Afterwards, the celebration continued with a festive lunch in the parish hall of the Roman Catholic parish of St. Joseph. All those present had the opportunity to enjoy a delicious lunch and Ukrainian music. Mr. Volodymyr Kvach and father Ihor, accompanied by an accordion, presented the guests with an exciting performance of Ukrainian songs, delighting the hearts of all present.

Among the guests of the feast were also representatives of the Ukrainian Credit Co-operative “Dnister”, who always help and support our church in Australia, and in particular, they congratulated the parishioners in the city of Northam with a generous traditional gift.

This Church feast became an important event in the life of everyone and this community in general, because it emphasized the importance of faith that opens unity in the Lord.

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